This information will no longer be updated and has been superseded by the UK Kidney Association data portals which can be found here. 


Table 1. Estimated coverage of CCGs

In the most recent quarter covered by this table (Q3 2020), 174 of 189 (92%) pathology laboratories in England have provided sufficient data on AKI to be included in the calculation of the AKI episode rate by CCG. 84 CCGs have an AKI episodes rate confidence of GREEN, 41 of AMBER and 10 of RED.

You can now read your report by clicking on the codes. This will allow you to download the PDF of each CCG’s report.

How to interpret the confidence rating

GREEN – where we are confident that all the labs serving this CCG population provided data for this period. This means that all labs in the CCG, and all labs in neighbouring CCGs, provided data. Where a CCG does not have a home laboratory, all neighbouring CCG’s need to have a GREEN coverage for the CCG to be deemed as covered.

AMBER – where only some of the labs serving this CCG population provided data for this period. The labs within the CCG provided data but not all the neighbouring CCG labs. Data for people living towards the boundaries of the CCG may well be missing. Where a CCG does not have a home laboratory and not all neighbouring CCG’s have an GREEN coverage, the CCG is deemed to have an AMBER coverage.

RED – where we have little or no data from the labs covering the CCG population for this period. This is because at least one of the labs within the CCG has not provided data.


Table Plugin


Figure 1. Map of laboratories submitting data of sufficient quality to the UK Renal Registry 

The green circles present laboratories submitting AKI alert data of sufficient quality to be included in the calculation of the AKI episode rate in the period July 2020 to September 2020. The red triangles indicate laboratories that are either not submitting data to the UKRR or submitting data of insufficient quality/completeness and could not be included in the AKI episodes rate calculation for quarter 3 of 2020.


Figure 2. Estimated coverage of CCGs

This map represents the results in table 1 in a visual format showing CCGs estimated to be fully covered (GREEN), partially covered (AMBER) and not well covered (RED).