Sharing and learning

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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    In the NHS we are not always good at sharing what we do well and what works – or from the other side of the coin – at learning from others.

    How can we share better initiatives, systems or ways of working that really do work?

    Do you have experience of this and can you help us to do it better? We’d love your thoughts on this. Please share!


    Was at AQUA AKI meeting regarding AKI and Mid Cheshire team discussed their excellent ACT and BEAT AKI care bundle. At Salford we are also using the a risk asessment tool based on NICE guidelines. It is likely soon that one of the national AKI CQUIN will be around a risk assessment tool. Out of the national AKI workstreams I have not heard much from the risk group and was wondering what other trust have trialled regarding risk assessment.


    Hi all just thought I would share my ideas, I am the AKI Nurse for Wigan Foundation Trust and I have been in post for 6 months now working closely with Salford Royal. I have carried out several drop in sessions for all levels of staff with pretty good compliance with nursing staff and I have been teaching the F1’s and 2’s on there rolling teaching programme, 200 staff taught so far although finding it difficult to get the consultants to attend.
    One of my ideas to raise awareness of AKI in my trust is a Kidneys COUNT Campaign with COUNT standing for:-
    C-Creatinine rise according to KDIGO Criteria
    O-Observations – paying particular attention to drop in BP
    U-Urine output according to KDIGO criteria
    N- Nephropathy existing renal disease
    T- Toxins nephrotoxics including SEPSIS
    and if a patient has any of these the medic needs to think of AKI. I intend to launch this campaign in March and I will update you all with how it goes, although feedback on this idea from any of you would be fab. I have launched a new care bundle too that incorporates the AQ measures.

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