Please click below for the first issue of our regular update Think Kidneys update Spring 2015
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Becoming a Patient Rep on the Programme Board
Most of my involvement over the last year as a member of the UK Renal Registry Patients’ Council has been with Think Kidneys. When I started I found a very different pace to previous experience. I received 20-30 emails a day and I didn’t understand most of them, or how to respond. It was like being thrown into a fast flowing river or coming in half…
Read MoreAcute Kidney Injury – Research Perspectives, New Thinking and/or the Progress
As I was acutely reminded at the recent 2nd Leeds Critical Care Nephrology Course by Dr Neil Soni, (Intensivist from Chelsea and Westminster Hospital), Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) must not suffer the same fate as sepsis, whereby we lump all types of AKI together and forget to identify the underlying cause. AKI is a syndrome which is most commonly caused by sepsis and hypotension but has…
Read MoreWhat is possible if we can measure AKI?
It has recently been recognised that 5-7% of all admissions to hospital in the UK develop acute kidney injury (AKI) and that overall this is associated with an astonishing 20% risk of dying during that hospital admission. How much of this AKI, and the harm associated with it, is avoidable is as yet unknown, but evidence from the NCEPOD enquiry into deaths from AKI suggested that…
Read MoreInnovation in management of AKI in Southern Derbyshire
As Chief Nurse and Director of Quality at Southern Derbyshire CCG I am responsible for quality and innovation. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) has been on our radar for a while as a condition that is a really big challenge. It’s a challenge that is faced in secondary care, primary care as well as specialist and community settings, so we knew that if we could find some solutions we’d…
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