New patient information for young people published

Think Kidneys, the British Kidney Patient Association (BKPA) and the British Association for Paediatric Nephrology (BAPN) are pleased to introduce two new resources on our websites – patient information for young people and the carers of children on the risks of acute kidney injury (AKI) and how to keep kidneys safe.

Developed by our working group of paediatric renal specialists the leaflets explain the risks of AKI and when and from whom to seek advice. The leaflets have been co-created with the BKPA and have had approval from their patient team, and the BAPN. Describing when young people might be at greater risk of AKI due to acute illness, how the kidneys work and the potential impact of some drugs they may be taking, the informative leaflets suggest when it’s necessary to get advice from their health care team.

The leaflets can be viewed here

And ordered by emailing

Black and white, easy to print versions are available here