Reaching out Across the Globe to Think Kidneys


Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is acknowledged as a global healthcare challenge. Think Kidneys has been working across the NHS in England for the last two years to drive improvement in patient safety and outcomes for people with or at risk of AKI.

Think Kidneys will be attending the 2016 International Forum in Gothenburg, Sweden next month where Karen Thomas, Head of Programmes for the UK Renal Registry, will be presenting a poster on the work of the Think Kidneys AKI programme. Karen gives an overview of her poster on this introductory video, which you can watch here.

Think Kidneys is a national programme working across all sectors of health and social care, involving patients in all activities and resource development to drive the change required to reduce incidence rates of AKI, improve detection, management and treatment and to raise awareness of kidney health.

Find out more about Think Kidneys at

More information about the Forum from the IHI website

Now in its 21st year, the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare is one of the world’s largest gatherings of healthcare professionals committed to improving patient care and their safety. The last International Forum in London in 2015 connected over 3,000 healthcare leaders and practitioners from 83 countries, providing an inspirational setting to meet, learn and share knowledge in our common mission to improve the quality and safety of care for patients and communities across the world.