Reporting the rate of Acute Kidney Injury within England

We are delighted to publish the first national report on measuring the rate of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) within England, produced by the UK Renal Registry and Think Kidney’s AKI programme.

It is estimated that one in five people admitted to hospital each year as an emergency has AKI representing a significant cause of mortality and morbidity.  This report provides a real opportunity for the renal community to begin to uncover the variation that is found in the rate of AKI across England and Wales so that the causes behind these variations can be investigated.  The value of data in levering change cannot be underestimated, and we hope that this new source of AKI data helps to tackle this preventable condition, to reduce avoidable harm and death for people with acute kidney injury, and to improve care for patients whether in hospital or at home.

It is a real achievement that since NHS trusts and biochemistry departments began to submit data on AKI warning test scores to the UK Renal Registry in 2015, more than 85% of England and Wales biochemistry laboratories have now provided AKI results files to the UK Renal Registry.  110 out of 158 are now doing so routinely.  Reporting strategies have allowed individual CCG’s to receive quarterly reports of their AKI rate for the first time, along with a summary of the national picture and significant AKI associated mortality.

Having an AKI warning test score is associated with a significant 17% mortality at 30 days and the risk of dying increases with the stage of AKI and age.  The significant variation in the rate of AKI across England and Wales will remain an important focus for quality improvement activity, and acute care providers will be able to compare their AKI rate between similar organisations and over time to identify key areas for quality improvement.

We are looking forward to the further development of this data-set, and hope that the existing strong links that the UKRR has with other organisations can be used to incorporate key measures of AKI rate and outcome in wider health and value improvement.

Read the full report here.