The 2016 Research Paper of the Year published by the RCGP is entitled – “Self management of chronic kidney disease”.
The paper signposts readers to the Think Kidneys resources on the website, in respect to managing patients with CKD who are known to be at increased risk of complications during episodes of acute illness.
The resources referred to on the website at are primarily for health care professionals and there is a suite of resources for managing AKI warning stage test results in primary care. There is also some very helpful information for patients about keeping kidneys healthy and for caring for your kidneys after an episode of AKI. The information can be accessed here.
The paper was written by Dr Thomas Blakeman, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Primary Care at Manchester University, and GP in Leeds who has been a key member of the Think Kidneys team for the past three years, working on interventions for AKI and developing the resources for managing AKI warning stage test results in primary care.
Having worked with the RCGP to develop an online learning module for GPs we are delighted to be mentioned in the paper which can be read here.