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Working Together and Measuring Change

Having agreed to take on the role of Patient Co-Chair for the TP-CKD Measurement Workstream I needed to know what I had let myself in for. Having been a renal patient since childhood, I felt I was well equipped to deal with the “patient” part of the role, and being a Research Scientist, often using PROMs and PREMs, I had that part covered as well! Great,…

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Think Kidneys on World Kidney Day

10 March 2016 was World Kidney Day and Think Kidneys showcased our new information for everyone on ‘Almost everything you need to know about your kidneys’ (click to view) Unveiling the information on a banner at the RCGP’s event – ‘making kidney care a priority in primary care’ – it was well received as useful and practical information for anyone wanting to know about their kidneys,…

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Improving Discharge from Hospital

NHS England’s most recent web publication (10 March 2016) is all about Improving discharge from secondary to primary and social care. The eight standards for the communication of patient diagnostic test results on discharge from hospital can be accessed here, and include two case studies which relate and are relevant to renal care. The case studies outline the information which needs to be shared between health…

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Co-production – equal and different

Working on the TP-CKD project I have been struck by how exciting the vision of the programme is. The underlying message that imbues the whole programme is that patients have skills and knowledge that are an asset which is currently going to waste, and by working closely with them a service can be delivered that both professionals and patients benefit from. The NHS has come a…

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