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Learning & Sharing Event Report – 18th November 2015

The very lively and energetic Learning & Sharing Event for the Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease took place in November and brought together clinicians and people living with CKD from the renal units of the first cohort of Trusts taking part in the programme team. A report on the day is now available, describing the presentations and the work the teams focussed on for the…

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New website launches

November 9 sees ‘go live’ for the Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease section of the Think Kidneys website. If you’re already familiar with the website you’ll notice the new landing page which we hope will help visitors easily get to where they want to be. We will be adding to the site both content and function over the coming months and we’d be very pleased to have your…

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Important Programme Event Coming Up

On 18 November our first major event will take place for the Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease programme. Bringing together clinicians and patients from the renal units of the first cohort of Trusts taking part and the programme team, the day long workshop will develop a shared understanding of what we need to achieve over the next 12 to 18 months. The day will include an overview of…

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How it all began…..

Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease began earlier this year on a cold February day when over 80 people got together to plan the programme. Over a quarter of attendees were patients so that we could start to explore the idea of working in true co-production, rather than just engagement or involvement. The day was highly interactive with everyone encouraged to participate and have their say, and feedback was very…

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