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Analysis from the national PREM survey is now available to the Clinical Directors

The Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease programme, working with the British Kidney Patient Association is delighted to be able to share the analysis of the recently completed Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) survey with the Clinical Directors of the 41 renal units that took part in the survey. The results have been made available to the Clinical Directors via a closed private forum on the…

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TP-CKD December 2016 Update

The latest Transforming Participation in CKD update for December 2016 is now available here. Rachel Gair, Person Centred Care Facilitator and Sarah Evans, Programme Support Officer have produced this month’s update.

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Cohort 1 PAM – PROM report now available

This is a really exciting time for the TP-CKD programme as we come to the end of phase 1 which has been about testing whether it is possible to routinely gather a patient’s level of knowledge, skill and confidence ( Patient Activation Measure) and quality of life ( Patient Reported Outcome Measure) using data collection methods. The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) and Patient Report Outcome Measure…

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Cohort 2 – Event Report 8 November 2016

The TP-CKD Cohort 2 Learning and Sharing Event took place in Birmingham on 08th November 2016. During the event, Cohort 1 shared the challenges and learning from implementing the ‘Your Health’ Surveys and participating in the programme. They also facilitated Cohort 2 teams in preparing a structured plan against time frames to enable the implementation of PAM/PROM into their renal units. The report from the day is now available.

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Cohort 2 Learning & Sharing Event

The TP-CKD Learning & Sharing event for Cohort 2 took place in Birmingham on 08th November 2016. This event brought together clinicians and patients living with CKD Cohort 2 of the TP-CKD Programme, along with those that are already participating in Cohort 1. It was a very exciting and energetic day with Cohort 1 sharing their learning and experiences (the good and the bad) and Cohort…

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