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Plymouth CKD Team Blog – We’re in on TP-CKD and Working Hard for Success

  Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust – Plymouth CKD Team Blog We’re in on TP-CKD and Working Hard for Success Our initial experience left us feeling very proud of the strong representation from Plymouth that attended the first TP CKD event in London. We had so many people from Derriford Hospital that the organisers had to find extra seats! On our return we applied our enthusiasm and…

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Think Kidneys Hits the Media

On Friday 26th August the Think Kidneys programme took to the airways with a 10-minute feature on acute kidney injury on Sky News. Sky News had picked up the story, particularly the annual number of deaths associated with AKI and the fact that many could be prevented, from the recently published Patient Safety Alert from NHS Improvement. The Stage 2 alert highlighted the resources available to…

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TP-CKD Programme – August Newsletter

The latest Transforming Participation in CKD update for August 2016 is now available below. Rachel Gair, Person Centred Care Facilitator and Sarah Evans have produced this month’s update.

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TP-CKD Programme Patient Survey Results on Patient View

The TP-CKD programme is about supporting and helping patients with kidney problems to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to be involved in actively managing their own health care. This is known as patient activation. We are also interested in understanding how kidney problems affect the way people affected by CKD live their lives. The programme is rapidly gaining momentum and kidney patients from…

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Working with a Unique Team of Patients and Health Professionals

By Dave McHattie, Co-Chair of the Think Kidneys Intervention Workstream Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Patient In 2015 the UK Renal Registry put together a group of 14 patient and health professional volunteers to work as a team to develop a package of interventions which would help patients become more active in their health care and change the way clinicians interact and support them. Our…

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