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A View of the PREM Experience

By Sarah Evans, Programme Support Officer at the UK Renal Registry Working on the TP-CKD project for the last year I have seen the hard work and excitement created by what the programme’s delivering for renal units in Cohort 1. However when the Renal Unit Clinical Directors across England were approached about making the PREM (Patient Reported Experience Measures) a national survey – rather than limiting…

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Journal of General Practice Nursing CKD article

The Journal of General Practice Nursing has published an article by Christine Catley, Renal Research Nurse from Broomfield Hospital, Essex, on managing CKD for Practice Nurses. It includes a perspective from a CKD patient about his care by the GP, Nephrologists and Research team.  The article can be accessed by logging into the Journal’s website.

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Learning and Sharing Peer Review Event

The TP-CKD second Learning and Sharing Peer Review Event took place in Birmingham on 10th May 2016. This event provided further opportunities for the units in cohort 1 to meet in their teams of patients and clinical staff to build on the principles of co-production that they have been developing locally, and to share the successes and challenges they had experienced in implementing ‘Your Health Surveys’ within…

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Communication, communication, communication

By Bill Dickson, Kidney Patient and member of the Nottingham Team for Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease The English language is possibly the most effective para-medical tool we have. Used correctly it can calm a stressful situation, both for patients and their families. It can effectively give a positive path when looking to the future. Language thus used in both forms – verbal and written….

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