Address: Little Horton Lane, Bradford, BD5 0NA

Lead contact(s)

Name: Dr Ramla Mumtaz
Email address:

Patient contact(s)

Name: Mr Peter Forrest
Email address:

Additional information

The Bradford Renal Unit is keen to be part of this national initiative which encourages our patients to play a more active role in their care, recognising that patient engagement can lead to a better experience of care and better clinical outcomes.

PAM and related surveys will enable us to explore and establish the care needs of our patients, and therefore help us to determine a set of shared objectives in partnership with individual patients.

We hope to share our experiences with both the UK renal community and other chronic disease specialties.

Key element of 30-60-90 day plan

  • 30 days – pilot survey, CSPAM, LNA
  • 60 days – Pilot review, collaboration
  • 90 days -Roll out survey to OPD services

Peer Assist Partner Trust

Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals