Address: Herries Rd, Sheffield, S5 7AU

Lead contact(s)

Name: Veena Reddy
Email address:
Name: Deborah Douglas
Email address:
Name: Tracey Sylvester
Email address:

Additional information

Northern General Hospital, Sheffield (NGS), have been a part of the TP-CKD programme from the beginning, and have collected and returned over 350 Your Health Surveys from within their haemodialysis (HD) and low clearance population.  NGS also lead the SHAREHD programme which is using Your Health Survey as one of the outcome measures whilst encouraging HD patients to participate in self-care through HD related tasks.

You can read about the 2017 tp-ckd workshop at the Heeley Satellite Unit here.

Following on from this workshop, Cheryl Matthews, senior sister at Heeley Satellite Dialysis Unit, and Debbie Douglas, pre-treatment sister at the Northern General, share their experiences and perspectives on being involved in the programme.