Think Kidneys Hits the Media

On Friday 26th August the Think Kidneys programme took to the airways with a 10-minute feature on acute kidney injury on Sky News. Sky News had picked up the story, particularly the annual number of deaths associated with AKI and the fact that many could be prevented, from the recently published Patient Safety Alert from NHS Improvement. The Stage 2 alert highlighted the resources available to health…

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The Big Button

The KQuIP website has a big button on every page that enables you to sign up to receive regular updates on KQuIP activities. You can opt to be sent a bi-monthly email direct to your inbox, or get involved in the conversation and discussion on our forum. We’d love you to join us and be part of our growing network. We plan to make the website…

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Designing KQuIP and its Work

One day in May over 100 of us with an interest in kidney quality improvement, got together to map out the way forward for KQuIP and agree what it is going to do over the next weeks and months. We discussed the environment for improvement, involvement, priorities, challenges, and what the six KQuIP workstreams will focus on. It was a lively day with significant agreement about…

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Why KQuIP, why now?

Richard Fluck, KQuIP programme board member, co-chair of the KQuIP Leadership Workstream, until recently NHS England NCD for Renal, and consultant nephrologist answers our questions. “KQuIP has been established at a time when the NHS is facing a significant challenge around the value and affordability of care. KQuIP offers a solution to improving value and quality both to individuals but also the system of the NHS…

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