A Benefits Realisation Plan is a tool to make sure you actually get the intended benefits (outcomes, changed processes) originally planned for your project. A Benefits Realisation Plan should be a fundamental part of any improvement project, running from the project’s beginning to its end, and beyond. By focusing on benefits realisation planning, you can track whether intended benefits have been realised and sustained after the end of the project. Furthermore, it helps to ensure a clear signposting of who is responsible for the delivery of those benefits.
Having a sound benefits realisation plan will increase the delivery of intended benefits from your projects. This ensures that any resources allocated to the project are being fully utilised. Having a benefits realisation plan for your improvement projects will also help you when discussing with colleagues how your individual project is contributing to the overall improvement of service delivery.
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This resource is from the NHS Scotland Quality Improvement HUB
On this website you will find quality improvement topics, tools, case studies, news, current awareness bulletins, and access to the evidence base provided via Evidence into Practice and Health Improvement Evidence.
The Quality Improvement Hub website provides a range of resources to support organisations to improve the quality of healthcare. These Quality Improvement topics cover a range of subjects that are relevant to delivering quality improvement.