Prioritisation matrix

A Prioritisation Matrix is useful for applying a systematic approach to weighting/prioritising criteria towards evaluating solutions against the criteria.

The use of these matrices helps teams focus and come to a consensus on key items. A Priortisaton Matrix can help to you to decide what improvements to implement first.

You should consider using a matrix if:

• You cant do all the improvements at once.
• You are uncertain about the best use of resources or energy.
• You are looking towards specific improvement goals.

Click on the link below for further information

Prioritisation matrix

This resource is from the NHS Scotland Quality Improvement HUB

On this website you will find quality improvement topics, tools, case studies, news, current awareness bulletins, and access to the evidence base provided via Evidence into Practice and Health Improvement Evidence.

The Quality Improvement Hub website provides a range of resources to support organisations to improve the quality of healthcare. These Quality Improvement topics cover a range of subjects that are relevant to delivering quality improvement.