Think Kidneys – KQuIP Calling All Renal Staff!

KQuIP provides a major opportunity for renal teams working with patients to improve the quality of care and to help deliver the ambitions agreed by the whole kidney community in the publication Kidney Health: Delivering Excellence.

The KQuIP Education Workstream has created an online survey to gather baseline information about quality improvement education to help inform and guide the workstream’s initial areas of work. We would like as many renal team staff to complete the brief survey as possible – it has only 6 questions and will take just a couple of minutes to complete.

The survey is open until 31 December 2016, and will help us assess current knowledge levels of Quality Improvement (QI) and future training and education needs for everyone.

Please help us and complete the survey by clicking on this link.

Please share this link with your renal team, colleagues and networks so we can get as many healthcare professionals as possible to complete the survey which will help us plan our work so that it meets your needs.

For more information on KQuIP please visit the KQuIP website on:-

Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership (KQuIP) – Working together to develop, support and share improvement in kidney services to improve people’s health and add value