New Renal Network for Learning and Sharing – Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership launches during UK Kidney Week

The message from the BRS and RS Presidents Simon Ball and Bruce Hendry to delegates at conference is  – “The sharing of best practice is now being evolved and formalised in the shape of the Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership (KQuIP) which will debut at UK Kidney Week 2016”

After almost a year in the planning, KQuIP launches this week at the British Renal Society and Renal Association’s UKKW Conference – on Wednesday June 8 at 11.45am in room 11, when Graham Lipkin and Louise Wells, the Co-chairs of KQuIP will introduce the partnership and those involved, and the work KQuIP will undertake.

The KQuIP launch will also include presentations from Rob Elias on the London Peer Review and from Kerry Tomlinson on the West Midlands ‘Transplant First’ initiative. We will also highlight other quality improvement examples in poster format.

Join us to find out what KQuIP can do for you and your team, how to get involved in this exciting initiative and how to find out more. Many of the programme Board and members of KQuIP’s six workstreams will be in the hall and happy to chat with you about our plans.