Why KQuIP, why now?

Richard Fluck, KQuIP programme board member, co-chair of the KQuIP Leadership Workstream, until recently NHS England NCD for Renal, and consultant nephrologist answers our questions.

“KQuIP has been established at a time when the NHS is facing a significant challenge around the value and affordability of care. KQuIP offers a solution to improving value and quality both to individuals but also the system of the NHS and to the taxpayer.

What’s different about KQuIP?

“It’s about changing the culture within health care in a sustainable way led by all the stakeholders – including patients who are a very important partner in this work.

Who would you most like to see involved and joining KQuIP?

“We will know we have made it when the ward clerk on a dialysis unit knows about KQuIP and is involved in shaping improvement. That’s the level of engagement and involvement we want – and for everyone to join us and get involved.”